Friday, September 16, 2016

State of the provinces - Fall 2016

I do these every so often, a little 'state of the provinces' look at how politics is across the country. In it, I examine legislatures in all provinces, and the parties that fill them up. I also usually take this opportunity to look at the Federal houses, and parties as well.

Newfoundland and Labrador
30 - Liberal
7 - PC
2 - NDP
1 - Independent

All parties have permanent leaders. The Greens are not a registered party provincially.

Prince Edward Island
17 - Liberal
8 - PC
1 - Green
0 - NDP
1 - Vacant

The PC Party are having leadership elections. The NDP currently has a permanent leader but that could change.

Nova Scotia
34 - Liberal
10 - PC
7 - NDP
0 - Green
1 - Independent

All parties have permanent leaders. The Greens are small and could be at risk. The most recent change was an NDP by-election victory.

New Brunswick
26 - Liberal
22 - PC
1 - Green
0 - NDP

The PC Party is having a leadership election. There have been repeated attempts to create a 5th party on the right in the province, and a party that somewhat represents this, currently does exist.

40 - PC
14 - NDP
3 - Liberal
0 - Green

The NDP and Liberals are having leadership elections. Like New Brunswick there is some very limited and weak history of a 5th, more right-wing party here.

50 - Saskatchewan
10 - NDP
1 - Independent
0 - Liberal
0 - Green

The NDP and Liberals are having leadership elections. The Greens small and at risk, and are also having a leadership election. The most recent change was when a Sask Party member was charged with drunk driving and left the cabinet to become an Independent.

54 - NDP
22 - Wildrose
9 - PC
1 - Liberal
1 - Alberta
0 - Green

The PC Party and Liberals are having leadership elections.

British Columbia
48 - Liberal
35 - NDP
1 - Green
1 - Independent
0 - Conservative

The Conservatives are having leadership elections. The Green Party is at risk due to instability in the federal party, it's leader has mused about changing the party's name.

BC goes to the polls in the spring.

70 - Liberal
28 - Parti Quebecois
20 - CAQ
3 - QS
4 - Vacant
0 - Green

The PQ is having leadership elections. The Greens are small and at risk.

The PQ leadership election ends within a month. Alexandre Cloutier is currently expected to win.

57 - Liberal
29 - PC
20 - NDP
1 - Vacant
0 - Green

All parties have permanent leaders. The most recent change was a PC by-election victory.

12 - Yukon
6 - NDP
1 - Liberal
0 - Green

All parties have permanent leaders. The Greens are small and at risk.

Yukon goes to the polls this fall. The election call will come before October 24th, and may come at any time. It's unclear who would win the election, but some indications suggest the Liberals would do well.

41 - Conservative
21 - Liberal Senate Caucus
23 - Independent
20 - Vacant

Conservatives continue to sit in a united caucus with their fellow party members from the House of Commons.

House of Commons
182 - Liberal
97 - Conservative
44 - NDP
10 - Bloc Quebecois
1 - Green
1 - Independent
3 - Vacant

The Conservatives, the NDP, and the Bloc are holding leadership elections. One Conservative member, Jason Kenney, is expected to resign shortly. Recent changes include the resignation of Stephen Harper, Conservative, the death of Mauril Belanger, Liberal, and the resignation from the party of Hunter Tootoo, Liberal. The leader of the Green Party is at potential risk due to internal instability.

As a side note; this post comes along with a sister post, posted earlier (at the time I wrote this) on my personal blog.

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