Sunday, July 21, 2019

LDP likely fails to obtain 2/3rds Majority in upper house

Doing better than polling suggested, it appears the LDP and their ally, Komeito, have failed to obtain the 2/3rds majority in the upper house that they were aiming for. A key aspect of this appears to be a united front presented by various opposition parties. Results are still unclear, but there are not enough undeclared seats left for the LDP to obtain their 2/3rds majority, even with Komeito is added in. There is a caveat, however, that not all opposition parties oppose the move by the LDP to amend the constitution. As such Abe may still be able to amend the constitution, as he wishes, before 2020; but all signs point to this now being likely impossible.

In other news, Ukraine exit polls suggest a very strong majority for the President's party, with 260 seats being most likely.

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