Sunday, June 26, 2016

Spanish Election

Not much analysis, but here are some basic numbers from a prediction:

120 PP -3
90 UP +19
80 PSOE -10
40 Cs +-0
9 ERC +3
6 CDC -2
5 PNV -1
0 Oth -6

UP, PSOE, and ERC would be able to form a majority, if these numbers hold. UP is the successor the Podemos movement, the new far-left party.


  1. exit poll

    120 pp
    95 up
    85 psoe
    30 c's
    12 erc
    6 eaj
    5 cdc
    4 ehb
    1 canaries

    note that many seats are reported as ranges, as such, this possibly adds up to over 100%

    1. This would suggest the left can form a government without the need of an additional party
