Thursday, February 7, 2019

General updates

Nothing much has 'changed' that I've been following, existing trends are simply continuing to play out. Perhaps the biggest 'change' is DiMaio's support of the Yellow Vests; it helps perhaps put into perspective exactly what M5S stands for; but given that there are likely some readers who don't know who DiMaio, M5S, or possibly even the Yellow Vests are, you can see why I don't dwell on it.

Perhaps the most interesting thing I've learned in the past week has to do with Mark Latham.

The 2005 Australian election was the first Australian election I followed live; and Mark Latham was the Labor leader at the time. His "handshake" always struck me as very very odd. I couldn't put my finger on it but in the 'age of Trump' it becomes more clear that his actions seemed something a right-leaning leader would do, not a left-leaning one.

As such perhaps it then makes some sense to find out that Latham has not only left Labor behind, but has joined One Nation, the neo-nationalist "Trumpish" party in Australia.

He is running for the state Senate in New South Wales. He's also become the leader of the state party.

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